Monday, October 15, 2007

i'm blogging! so lastnite got another slide show done and i love picking music for the slideshows it's fun to match the music to their personalities! man how do you pick a song that will be on a slideshow they will play for years and years! Well, we like to use the first dance song but that doesn't always work. I try to get to know the bride and groom as much as possible. alrighty well i'm off to bed
early to bed early to rise!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Gotta get into blogging

Well, i just need to get into blogging more. It's not that i don't have the time. maybe it because i am not sure what to write about. Greg tells me to write about what i want to write about. well, that would be everything LOL. I'm a talker usaully. I guess i should make it so that i have about a half an hour everynight to sit and blog.